PathoPlant TU-Logo
Description of PathoPlant
Pathogen recognition and signal transduction is essential for plants to induce a variety of defense responses like hypersensitive reaction, oxidative burst or systemic acquired resistance. The amount of information on signal transduction mechanisms during plant-pathogen interactions has accumulated tremendously. To facilitate easy access to published data and to permit comparative studies of different pathogen response pathways, a database is indispensable to give a broad overview of the components and interactions so far known.
PathoPlant has been developed as a relational database for annotation of all identified signal transduction mechanisms during plant-pathogen interactions. PathoPlant's source of information are publications from which data is not only extracted but also validated by a scoring system based on the experimental procedure employed. PathoPlant contains main tables for plants, pathogens, and molecules. These tables are linked with each other and with additional tables defining the type of interaction or reaction. All relevant components in signal transduction like elicitors, proteins, peptides or second messengers are organized in the table for molecules where they are functionally classified. The reactions and interactions that molecules are involved in are annotated and validated in the table for reactions and linked to the respective molecules. Additional information about the subcellular compartment, organ or developmental stage is given in a location table. Furthermore, the involved plants and pathogens and the resulting diseases are listed and linked to the corresponding reactions. Gene expression data from Arabidopsis thaliana microarray experiments have been incorporated into PathoPlant. This enables to search for specific genes regulated upon pathogen infection or elicitor treatment. All tables are linked to references and to external databases for additional information to provide a comprehensive tool for the research community.

The partial E/R-Diagram gives an overview about the main tables and their relations.
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