Search for records in the database
Plant, pathogen, molecule and interaction database records can be searched through their individual search pages accessible through the respective left-hand Search submenu. This can be done either by a quick search by name which considers the name, common name and synonym fields of the records, or by an advanced search with free choice of 3 search fields and selection of the Boolean operator.
By leaving the search fields blank, all database records are displayed.
Results list
Search results are displayed in a results list. Detailed information on a record is displayed by clicking on the Accession No. of the record. A subsequent return to the results list is possible by pressing the Browser's Back button.
Depending on the number of search results, this list may be split into several pages that can be displayed by clicking on the arrows indicating next or previous. The number of results displayed per page can be adjusted.
By default, only main attributes of the records are displayed. This can be changed by clicking the button to show all attributes.
A search within the listed records enables easy combination of the previous search with a new search term. This feature can also be used to extend the advanced search when more than 3 search fields are needed.
The order of the records displayed in the results list can be changed by clicking on the headers of the table.
Detailed record information
The detailed information pages contain all information stored in the database for a specific record. The information is displayed in various sections. The first section contains general information on the record. The following sections contain additional information that generally refers to other record in PathoPlant or in external data resources. Records listed in Lower or Higher Hierarchy display entries related to the actual one that are more specific or more general, respectively.
The detailed information pages can be reached by clicking on the Acc. No. in a results list or by a direct link from another detailed information page. Alternatively, if the Acc. No. of the record is known, the respective page is retrievable directly by record of the complete Acc. No. in the Search by Accession Number field accessible through the left-hand Search main menu.